හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රිනී හිරුණිකා ප්රේමචන්ද්රට කොළඹ මහාධිකරණ විසින් බරපතළ වැඩ සහිත වසර තුනක සිර දඬුවම් නියම කරනු ලැබ තිබේ.
දෙමටගොඩ ප්රදේශයේ වෙළෙඳසලක සේවය කළ තරුණයෙකු පැහැරගෙන ගොස් අයුතු ලෙස සිරකර තැබීමේ චෝදනාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් වරදකරු කරමින් කොළඹ මහාධිකරණ මෙම නියෝගය නිකුත් කර ඇත.
කොළඹ මහාධිකරණ විනිසුරු අමල් රණරාජ විසින් මෙම තීන්දුව ප්රකාශයට පත් කරනු ලැබ ඇත.
This is the law of Nature. If we do wrong thing to others it is definitely come back to us with interest.
Everyone do wrong things without thinking that law. Same way happened to her. As a lady, we have seen how did behove in front of the nation as drama since after her father’s death to now.
Finally she told she has 3 children. If she knows she has kids why did she do wrong things to others. Definitely it comes thru from their loved one. That is Natures punishment style.
99% politicians like that. But they forgot one thing, that is “Mother universe’s punishments. No one can’t escape from her definitely all are come back return to them who do bad things to other with huge interest not for same one but also to their loved one.
99% politicians are show their powers until conducted their government like lion 😁😁😁